(1.)The present writ application has been preferred praying for direction upon the respondents to withdraw, recall, rescind and
cancel the impugned Memo dtd. 23/6/2015 in respect of
rejection of petitioner's pension and/or direct the respondent
nos. 2 and 3 to allow the claim of pension of the petitioner for
the tenure of petitioner's service.
(2.)It appears from the joining report of the petitioner that the petitioner joined on the 2nd day of August, 2006 forenoon as
Gram Panchayat Karmee. The petitioner has relied upon an
order dtd. 17/2/2004 passed by the Hon'ble High Court in WP
No. 14647(W) of 2002 wherein the writ petition was disposed of
directing the State, on accepting the circular dtd. 16/4/2003 to give effect to the said notification, to consider all the cases which would be guided by such circular as well as
notification dtd. 8/10/2003. Appropriate authorities
were directed to take the decision within a period of three
months from the date of the communication of the order.
(3.)In compliance with the said direction of the Hon'ble High Court, the Block Development Officer directed the petitioner, vide
Memo dtd. 28/12/2005 to submit a list of documents and
subsequently by a provisional admit card dtd. 6/1/2006
permitted the petitioner to appear for the written test to be held
on 8/1/2006.
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