(1.)Rule. Rule made returnable forthwith and with the consent of learned Advocates for the respective parties, the Petition is taken up for
final hearing.
(2.)Petitioner has invoked jurisdiction of this Court under Article 226 of the Constitution of India, for a writ of mandamus, for direction to declare that, the Notice dtd. 20/1/2020 (Exh-"B") and revised
Notice dtd. 6/3/2020 (Exh-"C") issued by the Petitioner to
Respondent No.1 under Sec. 127 of the Maharashtra Regional Town
Planning Act, 1966 ("MRTP Act"), to be legal and valid and reservation on
the property of the Petitioner bearing Gat No. 51, H. No. 2/2/2, area H.R 0-
55, Assessment 1/06, situated at Yashawant Nagar, Vita, Taluka Khanapur, District Sangli, having reservation No.136, ("suit land" ) has lapsed by
operation of law and for other consequential reliefs.
(3.)Heard Mr. Sandesh Patil learned Advocate for the Petitioner, Mr. Nandu Pawar learned Advocate for the Respondent No.1 and Ms. Rupali
Shinde, AGP for the Respondent Nos.2 and 3. Perused entire record.
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