(1.)This Criminal Miscellaneous Case has been filed under Sec. 482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, to
quash all further proceedings pursuant to Annexure.A1 Final
Report in Crime No.884/2021 of Ollur Police Station,
Thrissur, now pending as S.C. No.929/2021 on the files of
the Special Court for the trial of cases under the Protection
of Children from Sexual Offences Act [hereinafter referred
as 'POCSO Act' for short] (1st Additional District and
Sessions Court), Thrissur. The petitioner herein is the 3rd
accused in the above case.
(2.)Heard the learned counsel for the petitioner as well as the learned Public Prosecutor, in detail. Perused the
Final Report and the decisions placed by the learned
counsel for the petitioner as well as the learned Public
(3.)In this matter, the prosecution allegation is that, at about 13.30 hours on a day in the last week of January,
2021, the 1st accused trespassed upon the residence of the minor victim, aged 17 years and subjected her to sexual
intercourse and as a result of the same, the minor victim
became pregnant. On this premise, the prosecution alleges
commission of offences punishable under Ss. 450 and
376 of the Indian Penal Code and under Ss. 4(1) read with 3(a), 6(ii) read with 5(j)(ii) of the POCSO Act, as against
the 1st accused.
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