(1.)The appellant insurance company filed this review petition against the judgment dtd. 20/5/2024 in M.A.C.A. No. 769 of 2024.
(2.)The above appeal was filed by the insurance company challenging the award in O.P.(MV) No. 2230 of 2019 on the file of the
Motor Accident Claims Tribunal, Perumbavoor. The claim petitioner was a
minor aged 10 years at the time of occurrence and according to the
claim petitioner, on 16/11/2019, while he was standing on the side of the
road, car driven by the 2nd respondent in a rash and negligent manner
caused to hit him and thereby, he sustained serious injuries.
(3.)Before the Tribunal, the owner and driver of the offending vehicle were ex parte and the insurance company contended that the
offending vehicle was insured with the company for the period from
04..01.2018 to 3/1/2019 and the company has not issued any policy covering the date of the accident. It is further contended that the policy
produced by the petitioner covering the period from 4/1/2019 to
3/1/2020 is not a genuine policy and that it is a fake policy.
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