(1.)The appellant was at the twilight of his long career of 34 (thirty-four) years in public service. At the relevant time, he was holding the post
of Senior Medical Officer, CHC, Dirba, District Sangrur, under the
Health and Family Welfare Department, Government of Punjab(GoP).
Eleven days prior to the appellant's retirement on superannuation on
31/3/2017, he was served with a charge-sheet dtd. 20/3/2017 in connection with disciplinary action that was proposed against him under Rule 8 of the Punjab Civil Services (Punishment & Appeal
Rules, 1970).
(2.)The charge-sheet alleged that the appellant had committed misconduct by (i) not complying with the direction of the Election
Commission; (ii) proceeding on leave without sanction thereof; (iii)
failing to take part in the pulse polio programme and giving threats for
legal action to the Senior Assistant of the Civil Surgeon, Sangrur(Civil Surgeon); and
(iv) not complying with the orders of the superior officers.
(3.)Consequent to pendency of the disciplinary proceedings, an order was issued on 31/3/2017 refusing the appellant extension of service;
instead, the appellant was relieved of his duty and made to retire on
31/3/2017 (afternoon). It was recorded in the said order that such retirement would not affect the disciplinary proceedings pending
against the appellant; also, if any amount is recoverable from him, the
GoP would have the right to recover such amount.
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