(1.)Leave granted.
(2.)The question that has come up for consideration in this appeal is whether the seller is entitled to forfeit the earnest money deposit where the sale of an immovable property falls through by reason of the fault or failure of the purchaser.
(3.)An Agreement for Sale of property bearing No. 14/11, 2nd Floor, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi was entered into between the appellant (Seller) and the respondent (Purchaser) on 29.11.2005 for a total consideration of Rs.70,00,000/- to be paid on or before 5.3.2006 and, towards earnest money, an amount of Rs.4,00,000/- was paid on 29.11.2005 and another Rs.3,00,000/- on 30.11.2005, that means, altogether Rs.7,00,000/- was paid, being 10% of the total sale consideration. The purchaser, however, could not pay the balance amount of Rs.63,00,000/- before 5.3.2006, consequently, the sale deed could not be executed. Seller, therefore, did not return the earnest money to the purchaser.