(1.)The proceeding convened through video conferencing. Heard on the question of admission.
(2.)Appeal seems to be arguable, hence it is admitted for final hearing. Als o heard on I.A. No.3413/2020, which is an application under
Section 389(1) of Cr.P.C. for suspension of the custodial sentence passed
against Ganesh Soni.
(3.)This appeal has been preferred against the judgment dated 11/02/2020 passed by Special Judge, (Prevention of Corruption) Act , Chhatarpur in Case
No.2/2016, whereby learned Special Judge found the appellant guilty for the
offence punishable under Sections 7 and 13(1)(d) read with Section 13(2) of
the Prevention of Corruption Act and sentenced him to undergo R.I. for four
years with fine of Rs.15,000/- and R.I. for five years with fine of Rs.15,000/-
respectively with default clause.
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