(1.)This petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India has been filed seeking the following relief(s) :
1. That, the impugned order dated contained in Annexure P/1 may kindly be quashed or the respondents may kindly be directed to conduct Review DPC and grant promotion to the petitioner from a day before the promotion of the respondents no. 3 to 7 along with all consequential benefits including senior, over and above to the respondents no. 3 to 7 and ancillary benefits, in the interest of justice.
2. Any other order or directions deemed fit in the circumstances of the case be issued in favor of the petitioner.
(2.)It is the case of the petitioner that the respondents no.3 to 7 were junior to him, but still they have been promoted from the post of
Sub-Engineer to the post of Assistant Engineer by order dated 22-1-
(3.)Clause 4 of the writ petition reads as under :
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