(1.)Challenge in the present writ petition filed under Article 226 of the Constitution of India is to an order dated 13.3.2019 (Annexure P-17) passed
by Respondent No.3, Chief Engineer, Public Works Department, Bhopal
(hereinafter referred to as "the PWD") whereby the petitioner Company has
been blacklisted from participating directly or indirectly in any work with
the MP PWD with immediate effect.
(2.)Briefly stated, the fzs of the case, are that the Respondent No.3 vide Annexure P-1 dated 18.5.2018 had invited tenders for construction of an
elevated corridor (Fly Over) from Damoh Naka to Ranital, Madan Mahal
(Up to Medical Road) in Jabalpur city. The petitioner Company participated
in the tender process by submitting its bid, but the tender was not finalized.
Thereafter, vide Anneuxre P-2 dated 10.8.2018 fresh offers were invited by
the respondents Authorities for the same work. In pursuance thereof, the
petitioner Company submitted its offer and after scrutiny and evaluation of
the bid, a Letter of Acceptance dated 5.10.2018 (Annexure P-4) was issued
in favour of the petitioner Company. As per the Letter of Acceptance, in
terms of Clause 34.1 of Instructions to Bidders, the petitioner Company was
directed to furnish performance security of Rs.34,04,71,074/- with a further
condition that additional performance guarantee amount, which is to be
deposited, will be informed separately. However, vide letter dated
10.10.2018 (Annexure P-5) the respondents were informed that the offer submitted by the petitioner Company was 10.54% above the rates of the
tender and, therefore, the petitioner Company was not required to deposit
additional performance guarantee amount. The respondents vide letter dated
31.1.2019 (Annexure P-6) demanded the petitioner to deposit the amount of Rs.26,49,32,640/- towards additional performance security. The petitioner
Company raised its grievance against such demand vide letter dated
1.2.2019 (Annexure P-7). The respondents vide letter dated 5.2.2019 (Annexure P-9) again asked for depositing the performance security along
with the additional performance security amount, as aforesaid.
(3.)To resolve this issue, a meeting was held on 14.2.2019 between the Directors of the petitioner Company and the Respondent No.2, in which the
petitioner Company raised its grievance about the demand of additional
performance security and it was decided that it would be appropriate to place
the issue before the State Government, but till such time the petitioner has to
deposit the amount of additional performance security. Thereafter, the
petitioner vide letter dated 15.2.2019 (Annexure P-11) brought to the notice
of the respondents that in the minutes of the meeting held on 14.2.2019
some issues were not mentioned, though raised by the petitioner Company
specially regarding the time limit fixed for furnishing performance security
and additional performance security. The petitioner requested for including
such issues in the minutes. Though the response was awaited from the
respondents in this regard, the petitioner was again served with a letter dated
26.2.2019 (Annexure P-12) in which the demand of depositing the performance security and additional performance security, now within three
days, was reiterated by the respondents with the default stipulation.
Thereafter, vide letter dated 27.2.2019 (Annexure P-13), the petitioner again
put his stand before the respondents regarding the aforesaid demand and
simultaneously asked for some more time so that the dispute can be resolved
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