(1.)This appeal has been preferred by appellant Anil Patel
S/o Ramji Patel on 23.2.2011 under Section 374(2) of Cr.P.C. against the
judgment dated 17.2.2011 passed by the Additional Sessions Judge, Maihar,
District Satna in Sessions Trial No. 22/2009.
(2.)By the impugned judgment, the learned Trial Court convicted the appellant for the offence under Section 306 of I.P.C. and sentence him to
undergo 3 years RI and the fine of Rs. 1000/-, with default stipulation.
(3.)Total four accused including the appellant faced the aforesaid trial. The Trial Court framed the charges against all four accused under Sections 498-A,
304-B and 306 of I.P.C. After trial, the Court acquitted accused Ramji, Archana and Fulli Bai from all charges and convicted appellant Anil Patel for the offence
under Section 306 of I.P.C. after acquitting him from the other charges under
Sections 498-A and 304-B of I.P.C.
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