(1.)We, in our order dated 23.8.2012, had highlighted the extreme
necessity of constituting State Committees for the purpose of supervising
and monitoring the implementation of the provisions of the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals (Establishment and Registration of Societies for
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) Rules, 2000, the Environment Protection
Act, 1986, the Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000, the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Slaughter House) Rules, 2000 etc.
(2.)We passed another order on 10.10.2012 and, following that order,
almost all the States and Union Territories have constituted the State
Committees. On 27.8.2013, we passed a detailed order directing those
Committees to implement the broad framework prepared by the MoEF, which we
have incorporated in the said order. We also directed the various State
Committees to file an Action Taken Report. Few Committees have filed their
Action Taken Reports.
(3.)We notice that there is no periodical supervision or inspection of
the various slaughter houses functioning in various parts of the country.
Action Taken Reports would indicate that, in many States, slaughter houses
are functioning without any licence and even the licenced slaughter houses
are also not following the various provisions as well as the guidelines
issued by the MoEF, which we have already referred to in our earlier
orders. We feel that the presence of an experienced Judicial Officer in
the State Committees would give more life and light to the Committees, who
can function as its Convener. The Convener, so appointed, would see that
the Committees meet quite often and follow and implement the provisions of
the Act as well as the guidelines issued by the MoEF, which has been made a
part of our order dated 27.8.2013.
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