(1.)Leave granted. We have heard Learned Counsel for the Appellants and Respondents.
(2.)To briefly narrate the facts, the Appellants served in a project 'National Rural Health Mission' with the State of Assam as contractual doctors. Indisputably, they had gained experience of five years of service. In the National Rural Health Mission for the academic year 2013-2014, when they staked their claim for admission to Post Graduate Courses of Surgery and Gynaecology, they were not considered under the in-service quota under the Government of Assam Medical Colleges (Regulation of Admission to Post Graduate Courses) (Amendment) Rules, 2012 which necessitated the Appellants to approach the High Court of Gauhati in Writ Petition No. 4105 of 2013. A categoric stand was taken by the learned Additional Advocate General before the High Court that service under the National Rural Health Mission can also be counted as rural service and thereby the Appellants satisfied the required qualifications for the Post Graduate seats under the State Health Quota. He further stated that the State was prepared to re-examine the matter at the Government level if the Appellants make their representations immediately.
(3.)The High Court while recording the stand of the State in its order dated 30th July, 2013 directed the Appellants to make their representations by 31st July, 2013. Their representations were considered and an order was also passed by the Department of Health and Family Welfare and direction was issued to the Director of Medical Education in the communications dated 7th August, 2013 and 13th August, 2013 making it abundantly clear that the Appellants are to be accommodated either in the State Health Quota as per the procedure duly intimating to the Department as their service in National Rural Health Mission is to be treated as rural service.
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