(1.)WHILE perusing the impugned order, we were satisfied that the entire determination rendered by the High Court was
based on the following observations:
"Even with regard to the contention that the respondent was terminated during the probation period for not completing the probation; the Government vides G.O.Ms. No.108 dated 17.4.2002 already extended his probation period by five days and vide subsequent G.O.Rt. No.32 dt. 7.1.2005 the out of employment period of the respondent -applicant was treated as on duty under F.R.54(2). Therefore, the petitioners cannot review the lapses on the part of the respondent afresh and refuse to consider his case. Further, it is stated by the respondent in the affidavit filed by him to vacate the interim suspension that he has received 23 good service entries, 22 cash rewards and 4 commendation letters in his service. It is also stated that similar person who is listed at Sl. No.3, though awarded with misbehaved and behaved in an undisciplined manner unbecoming of a police officer and failed to implement the instructions of his superior officers, was selected. Though it cannot be said that the case of the respondent needs to be considered simply because another person with adverse remarks was considered, having regard to the reasons as stated above the petitioners are not justified in rejecting the case of the respondent on the reasons which were already considered and necessary G.Os , were issued by the Government. It is not the case of the petitioners that the respondent does not possess the requisite qualifications or that he has not completed the minimum service as stipulated under the Rules. The reasons taken by the petitioners for rejecting the case of the respondent, having regard to the reasons stated above, are unsustainable and the Tribunal rightly held so."
(2.)THE aforesaid determination of the High Court has not been assailed, either on facts or on the basis of any proposition
of law. We, therefore, find no reason whatsoever to differ with
the determination rendered by the High Court.
The instant civil appeals are, accordingly, dismissed.
As a sequel to the above, the applications for
impleadment are also dismissed.
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