(1.)Leave granted.
(2.)Aggrieved by the judgment dated 28.2.2011 of the Division Bench of the High Court in Writ Appeal No.481 of 2011 the unsuccessful appellants therein preferred the instant appeal.
(3.)The appellants are three in number. The first appellant Rt. Rev. Dr. H.A. Martin is the present Bishop of the Tamil Evangelical Lutheran Church (for short "TELC"). The second appellant is shown to be the Treasure. The details of the person holding such an office are not mentioned anywhere. The third appellant is the TELC, a body registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 which is not capable either of suing or being sued[Section 3 - Societies which may be registered - (1) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2), any society which has for its object the promotion of education, literature, science, religion, charity, social reform, art, crafts, cottage industries, athletics, sports (including indoor games), recreation, public health, social service, cultural activities, the diffusion of useful knowledge or such other useful object with respect to which the State Legislature has power to make laws for the State, which may be prescribed, may be registered under this Act.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1) no association which has for its object the improvement of the economic condition of workmen, no club where games of chance providing prizes for winners are played and no society which does not consist of at least seven persons shall be registered under this Act.]. The 'appellants' cannot be blamed. The first respondent herein was the petitioner in the writ petition. He chose his respondents who became the appellants herein. In an era of public interest litigation, rules of procedure are the first casualty.
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