Decided on June 30,2014

Sandip Singh Kahlon Respondents


- (1.)ON 3.3.2014, the matter was referred to the Supreme Court Mediation Centre (for short "the Centre") to enable the parties to have their disputes resolved amicably. The Centre nominated Ms. Manjula Gupta, advocate as the mediator and with her efforts, the parties have been able to settled their disputes amicably. They have mutually agreed to file a joint petition for getting divorce by mutual consent under Section 13 -B of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 at Delhi in the 3rd week of August, 2014 and withdraw all cases against each other. The Respondent has already paid a sum of Rs. 2.75 lacs to the Petitioner. The settlement arrived at between the parties has been reduced into writing and it reads as under:
1. That both the parties have mutually agreed to file a joint petition for getting divorce by mutual consent Under Section 13(b) of H.M.A. Act, 1955 (First Motion) at Delhi in the third week of August, 2014 and second motion to get a decree of divorce on or before 30th April 2015.

(2.)THAT following cases are pending between the parties:
"(i). Present T.P. (C) No. 490/2013 filed by the Petitioner before this Hon'ble Court.

(ii) FIR No. 699/2012 at P.S. Sitarganj, Distt. Udhampur (Uttarakhand) Registered by the Petitioner -wife.

(iii) Case No. 677/2012 pending in Family Court, Vadodara (Gujarat) filed by the Respondent -husband."

In view of the terms of this settlement -agreement, both the parties herein undertake to withdraw all the above pending cases besides all other pending cases/petitions filed by them against each other before any court of law or any other forum after the First Motion and before the date of second motion of the aforesaid joint petition for obtaining divorce by mutual consent and would take all necessary steps and cooperate each other for the same.

(3.)BOTH the parties undertake that henceforth they would not file any civil/criminal complaint or any case against each other or their family members with regard to the present matrimonial alliance. Both the parties also undertake to co -operate and withdraw any other pending cases, which have been filed against each other and/or their respective families.

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