Decided on November 14,2014

Ratna @ Ratan Lal And Another Appellant


- (1.)This appeal by special leave to appeal arises out of final judgment and order dated 06.02.2014 passed by the High Court of Judicature for Rajasthan at Jodhpur in Criminal Revision Petition No.165 of 1995 by which the High Court was pleased to dismiss the revision and affirm the view taken by the Special Judge SC/ST, Udaipur in Criminal Appeal No.84 of 1992.
(2.)This matter arises out of FIR No.1 of 1988 registered on 06.01.1988 under Section 454 and 380 of the Indian Penal Code (for short "the IPC") with Police Station, Fateh Nagar, pursuant to PW14 Rupa submitting a report regarding theft at his house situate in village Lakha Ka Kheda on 31.12.1987. It was reported that some unknown persons had committed theft at his house by breaking open the lock and that some pieces of silver and gold jewellery were stolen. In the further report submitted on the same day it was stated that the value of the articles and cash which was stolen were to the tune of Rs.64,000/-. The complainant PW14 Rupa suspected Ratna who is appellant No.1 herein. During the course of investigation Appellant Nos.1 and 2, namely, Ratna and Uda were arrested and pursuant to their statements under Section 27 of the Evidence Act, namely, Ext.P15 and P16 respectively, the stolen articles were recovered.
(3.)In the trial the prosecution examined fourteen witnesses to bring home the charge under Section 454 and 380 of the IPC against Ratna and Uda. Accepting the case of the prosecution and holding inter alia that the recovery of stolen articles stood proved, the learned trial court convicted both the accused under Sections 454 and 380 IPC and sentenced them to undergo rigorous imprisonment for 3 years and 7 years respectively on aforesaid counts with imposition of fine of Rs.2500/- against each of the accused on both counts, with further sentence of six months simple imprisonment in default of payment of fine. It was ordered that both the sentences shall run concurrently. In the appeal preferred by both the accused, the learned Special Judge, SC/ST ANP, Udaipur affirmed the conviction on both counts but reduced the sentence to two years and five years respectively on each of the aforesaid counts maintaining the quantum of fine and sentence in default. The revision preferred by both the accused before the High Court was dismissed maintaining the conviction and sentence as recorded by the appellate court which led to the filing of the present appeal by special leave.

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