(1.)Leave granted.
(2.)In this appeal, judgment and order dated 17/1/2012 passed by the
Kerala High Court confirming the appellant's conviction under Section 326
of the Penal Code is under challenge. We have granted application for
impleadment of Uddesh who was examined as PW-2 as he had suffered grievous
injury at the hands of the appellant. He is, therefore, party to the
present appeal.
(3.)The appellant is original Accused 1. He was tried along with seven
others by the Judicial Magistrate, First Class, Thrissur in Criminal
Complaint No.23 of 1997 for offences punishable under Sections 143, 147,
148, 323, 324, 326 read with Section 149 of the Penal Code. Learned
Magistrate convicted the appellant for offence punishable under Section 326
of the Penal Code for having caused grievous hurt by dangerous weapon to PW-
2 Uddesh and sentenced him to undergo rigorous imprisonment for three
years. The appellant was also ordered to pay Rs.25,000/- as compensation
to PW-2 Uddesh. In default of payment of compensation, the appellant was to
undergo simple imprisonment for six months. The appellant was, however,
acquitted of all other charges. The other accused were acquitted of all
the charges leveled against them. The appellant carried an appeal to the
IIIrd Additional Sessions Judge, Thrissur. The Sessions Court dismissed
the appeal. Being aggrieved, the appellant filed Criminal Revision
Petition No.1931 of 2004 before the High Court of Kerala. By the impugned
judgment, the High Court while confirming the conviction of the appellant
under Section 326 of the Penal Code, reduced the sentence to eighteen
months rigorous imprisonment. However, the High Court increased the
compensation awarded to PW-2 Uddesh by the trial court from Rs.25,000/- to
Rs.1 lakh. In default, the appellant was ordered to undergo rigorous
imprisonment for fifteen months. After the impugned judgment, the
appellant and PW-2 Uddesh have settled the case out of court amicably.
Since the offence under Section 326 of the Penal Code is not a compoundable
offence, the appellant has preferred this appeal urging that in view of the
settlement, this Court should in exercise of its powers under Article 142
of the Constitution of India compound the offence.
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