(1.)We have Shri Vikas Singh, learned senior counsel appearing on behalf of Shri Ranjit Sinha, Director, Central Burueau of investigation (for short, "the Director, CBI") and shri Prashant Bhushan learned counsel appearing for the appellants.
(2.)We have also heard Shri Ram Jethmalani, learned senior Counsel as an Advisor to the Court.
(3.)We do not intend to say much on the arguments advanced by the learned counsels. In our opinion, it is suffice to observe that the affidavit (in I.A. No. 73) filed by Shri Prashant Bhushun, is not in consonance with Order 9, Rule 13 of the Supreme Court Rules, 2013. The said provision is quoted hereinbelow :
"In this Order, 'affidavit' includes a petition or other documents required to be sworn or verified; and 'sworn' includes affirmed. In the verification of petition, pleadings or other proceedings, statements based on personal knowledge shall be distinguished from statements based on information and belief. In the case of statements based on information, the deponent shall disclose the source of his information, including official records."
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