(1.)THIS case has been called out several times over a number of days, however, none has appeared on behalf of the
respondent despite the fact that the respondent has been duly
served. In the peculiar facts of this case, we have proceeded
to hear the matter in the absence of any representation on
behalf of the respondent.
(2.)THE respondent was inducted into the Army as a Sepoy on 09.03.1988. He received a gun shot injury during operation 'Rakshak' in the Kargil Sector in 1996. Due to the above
injury, the respondent was placed in Low Medical Category CEE
(Temporary) with effect from 26.12.1996 for a period of six
months. On 26.06.1997, he was placed in permanent Low Medical
Category CEE for two years. The respondent continued to serve
the Army for a period of seven years, whereafter, he sought
The Release Medical Board assessed the disability of
the respondent at 20% for life. Based on the aforesaid factual
position, the request made by the respondent, for discharge from
Army service on compassionate ground, was acceded to. The
respondent was allowed to retire from service, on 31.10.2004.
It is not a matter of dispute, that the respondent
continued to discharge his duties, at the same position and
rank, which he held, when he suffered the gun shot injury in
1996. It is not as if the circumstances required him, on account of his medical condition, to be shifted to some other
post, on account of his low medical categorisation. On account
of the aforesaid factual position, as also, on account of the
fact that the respondent had been discharged from Army service
on compassionate ground, at his own request, he was denied
disability pension. We are satisfied that the above denial of
disability pension to the respondent, was justified in the facts
and circumstances of this case.
In view of the circular letter dated 31.01.2001, despite the fact that the disability of the respondent was
assessed as 20%, the component of disability pension was
directed by the High Court to be assessed by treating the same
as 50%. We are satisfied that the aforesaid determination would
have been justified under the letter dated 31.01.2001, had the
respondent been entitled to disability pension.
Learned counsel for the appellant very fairly invites
our attention to a circular letter No.16(5)/2008/D(Pen/Policy)
dated 29.09.2009 issued by the Government of India, Ministry of
Defence, Deptt.of Ex -Servicemen Welfare, which extends the
benefit of disability pension, even to such persons who, like
the respondent herein, had sought discharge from Army service on
compassionate ground. The aforesaid letter dated 29.09.2009
extends the above benefit to Armed Forces Officers, as also, to
personnel below Officer Rank. The above benefit has been granted
on the basis of the acceptance of the recommendations made by
the Sixth Central Pay Commission. As of now, therefore, if the
respondent had retired from service on or after 01.01.2006, he
would have been entitled to disability pension even though he
had voluntarily sought retirement.
(3.)IN view of the factual/legal position recorded above, we are satisfied that it would not be proper to deprive the
respondent of the disability component of pension allowed to him
by the impugned order, specially because the authorities have
themselves recognised that persons similarly situated as the
appellant would also be entitled to disability pension.
The instant civil appeal is accordingly disposed of in
the above terms. This order shall not be treated as a precedent
for persons who retired before the date of enforcement of the
recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission.
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