(1.)LEAVE granted.
(2.)THIS appeal is directed against the judgment and order dated 8th November, 2011 passed by the High Court of Karnataka, Bangalore in Writ
Appeal No.1030 of 2006. By the impugned judgment, the High Court allowed
the appeal preferred by the respondent no.1 and held that he is entitled
to the Central pay scale and denial of such scale would be bad in law.
The factual matrix of the case is as follows: Respondent No.1 was selected and appointed as Deputy Registrar of
Karnataka Regional Engineering College, Suratkal (now known as National
Institute of Technology, Karnataka) in March, 1979. While he was so
performing the duty the Department of Education, Ministry of Human
Resource Development, Government of India issued a communication bearing
No.F.No.A11014/2/87/T -4 dated 5th February, 1988 to the Principals of all
Regional Engineering Colleges (except Srinagar and Jaipur) revising the
scales of pay attached to the Senior Administrative posts carrying the
Central scales of pay on the basis of the recommendations of the Fourth
Central Pay Commission w.e.f. 01.01.1986. Thereafter, the Board of
Governors of the appellant -Institute resolved to accept the proposal of
the Central Government regarding revision of pay scale attached to the
Senior Administrative posts.
(3.)ON 19th April, 1988, the Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, issued another order to the
effect that the non -academic post of Registrar, Librarian and Foremen in
the Regional Engineering Colleges be given State pay scales comparable to
pay scales in similar other institutions in the State. It was decided
that an option may be sought from the present incumbents whether they
would like to opt for the Central scales of pay or State scales of pay.
Those who may opt for Central Scales of pay their posts may be convened
into the State Scales of pay as and when the present incumbents to the
posts leave the job or retire. In due course of time all the posts are
converted into State scales of pay. Thus, for new incumbents it was
ordered to give State scales of pay. The relevant extract of the order
dated 19th April, 1988 which is necessary for adjudication of this appeal
is as under:
''In the meeting it was observed that the incumbents to the non -academic post of Registrar, Librarian and Foreman in the RECs are on Central scales of pay, put drawing D.a. and other allowances of State Government rates. The matter was discussed at length and it was observed that incumbents to these posts are mostly recruited locally. It was accordingly decided that incumbents to all these posts may be given State pay scales comparable to pay scales in similar other institutions in the State keeping in view the size of the RECs and duties and responsibilities assigned accordingly draw State scales and State Government allowances. To obviate any difficulty in implementing this decision, it was decided that an option may be sought from the present incumbents whether they would like to opt for the Central scales of pay or State scales of pay. However, for these who opt for central scales of pay, those posts may be convened into State scales of pay as and when the present incumbents to the posts leave the job or retire. Thus in due course of time all these posts be converted into State scales of pay. ''
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