(1.)Leave granted in both the Special Leave Petitions.
(2.)In these appeals, by special leave, the assail is to the judgment and order dated 22.10.2013 passed by the learned Single Judge of the High Court of judicature of Madhya Pradesh Bench at Indore in Misc. Appeal No. 2261 of 2005 preferred by the Centurion Bank Limited, the predecessor-in-interest of the appellant herein, and Misc. Appeal No. 3243 of 2005 preferred by the claimants, the 1st respondent herein, whereby the High Court has dismissed the appeal preferred by the appellant herein and allowed the appeal of the claimants by enhancing the awarded sum to Rs. 3 lacs opining that the said amount would be just and equitable compensation for the injuries sustained by her. The High Court also dismissed the review petition no. 619/2013 vide order dated 13.05.2014 preferred by the appellant herein. Be it stated, the Additional Member, Motor Accident Claims Tribunal, Indore had awarded Rs.1,75,000/- in Claim Case No.181/2003.
(3.)Filtering the unnecessary details, the facts which are requisite to be stated are that on 20.12.2002 about 12.30 p.m. the claimant was going on a scooter bearing registration No. MP09Q92 from Shastri Bridge to Yashwant Square and at that time the Motor Cycle belonging to 2nd respondent and driven by the respondent No.3 herein, in a rash and negligent manner dashed against the scooter as a consequence of which she sustained a fracture in the right hand superacondylar fracture and humerus bone fracture and certain other injuries. She availed treatment at various hospitals as she had to undergo an operation and thereafter advised to take physiotherapy regularly. Keeping in view, the injuries suffered and the amount she had spent in availing the treatment, she filed a claim petition putting forth the claim for Rs.4,50,000/-. The tribunal as stated earlier awarded a sum of Rs.1,75,000/- with 6% interest and opined that all the non-applicants to the claim petition were jointly and severally liable to pay the compensation amount. It is apt to state here the stand and stance put forth by the predecessor-in-interest the appellant bank that it had only advanced a loan and the hypothecation agreement was executed on 1.11.2002 by it. As per the terms of the agreement, the owner of the vehicle was responsible to insure the vehicle at his own costs. Reliance was placed on Clause 16 and 17 of the loan agreement which stipulated that the bank was required to get the vehicle insured if the borrower failed to or neglected to get the vehicle insured. The accident as stated earlier had taken place on 20.12.2002 and the vehicle was insured by the owner on 16.1.2003. It was further put forth by the bank that the owner deposited Rs.6,444/- with the dealer of the motor cycle i.e. Patwa Abhikaran Pvt. Ltd., whereas it was required to pay Rs.9,444/-. Despite the same, he obtained the possession of the vehicle on the same day itself which was not permissible.