(1.)(for himself and on behalf of D.M. DHARMADHIKARI, J.): We fully agree with what has been stated and discussed by brother Variava, J. However, we would like to add as under :
For just or unjust cause, strike cannot be justified in the present day situation. Take strike in any field, it can be easily realised that that weapon does more harm than any justice. Sufferer is the society Public at large.
(2.)On occasions result is violence or excess use of force by the administration. Mostly the target is to damage public properties.
(3.)Further, strike was a weapon used for getting justice by downtrodden, poor persons or industrial employees who were not having any other method of redressing their grievances. But by any standard, professionals belonging to noble profession who are considered to be an intelligent class, cannot have any justification for remaining absent from their duty. The law laid down on the subject is succinetly referred to in the judgment rendered by brother Variava, J.