(1.)Special leave granted.
(2.)The respondent Gufran Ali who was working in the appellant's unit at khamariah was transferred to the bisunderpur unit of the company. This transfer was challenged and the dispute was referred to the labour court.
(3.)In 1991 after Gufran Ali had joined at bisunderpur unit, by letter dated 27th April, 1991 Gufran Ali was informed that his services were terminated as a result of the closure of the said unit and closure compensation and notice pay as contemplated by section 25ff of the Industrial Disputes act amounting to Rs. 8,416.45p. was paid to him. Subsequently by another letter dated 30th May, 1991, on account of closure of the said Bisunderpur unit, the appellant paid a sum of Rs. 25,679.80p. to gufran Ali as his provident fund dues, Rs. 6,617.45p. was paid to him on account of gratuity and Rs. 1251.30p. was paid by the appellant towards Gufran Ali's leave encashment.
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