Bhan, J. -
(1.)Leave granted.
(2.)The West Bengal State Warehousing Corporation (hereinafter referred to as 'the Corporation') and The Superintendent, Oil Installation Warehouse have filed this appeal by special leave against the judgment and order passed by the Calcutta High Court in favour of Sushil Kumar Kayan (hereinafter referred to as 'the respondent').
(3.)In the year 1985 the respondent imported 338 coils weighing 1995. 180 Metric Tons of Seconds/Defective -ink Aluminium Sheets from European Economic Community and declared the value of the goods at Rs. 2,440.76 per metric ton. The Customs Authorities assessed the value of the goods at Rs. 3995/- per metric ton. The goods were kept in the godown of the Corporation. Respondent filed a writ petition before the High Court saying that there was no basis for assessing the value of goods at such an enhanced rate. A learned single Judge issued an interim direction for the goods to be released to the respondent upon furnishing a bank guarantee for 50% of the disputed custom duty and the personal bond for the balance of the disputed duty. It appears that in the meantime, the Special Investigation Branch of the Customs House issued instructions to the Corporation not to deliver the goods to the respondent.
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