(1.)For the death of Smt. Rano @ Amarjeet kaur allegedly under abnormal circumstances, the respondents were tried and convicted under sections 304b and 498a of the Indian Penal Code. They were sentenced to undergo rigorous imprisonment for a period of seven years for the commission of the offence under section 304-B and 2 years for the offence under section 498a IPC, besides a fine of Rs. 100. 00, each. The appeal preferred by the accused respondents was allowed by the High Court vide the judgment impugned in this appeal by way of special leave.
(2.)The facts of the case are that deceased smt. Rano aged 20-21 years was married to Roshan, respondent no. 2, about 1-1/2 years before the date of occurrence. After the marriage, respondent Inder Singh, father-in-law of deceased and Roshan, her husband are alleged to have started demanding dowry and upon the failure of the deceased to fulfill their demands, harassing her. On 19,7.1990, Dhanna Singh - pw4, father of the deceased got information that her daughter had committed suicide by taking poison allegedly on account of not being in a position to satisfy the demands of her in-laws. Dhanna Singh went to Kaithal, where the deceased was married, and saw her dead body. He reported the matter to the police alleging that his daughter ended her life by taking poison as she was tortured by the respondents accused for bringing inadequate dowry. On the basis of the statement of Dhanna Singh - PW4, formal FIR was recorded and the investigation commenced. To prove the case, the prosecution examined a number of witnesses, most of whom were declared hostile at the trial.
(3.)The trial court relying upon the sole testimony of Dhanna Singh -PW4 convicted the accused and sentenced them to imprisonment as noted earlier. In appeal, the High court re-appreciated the evidence and for reasons recorded in the impugned judgment thought it not fit to rely upon the testimony of PW4 and thus, acquitted the accused persons.
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