(1.)THE petitioner challenges the selection of respondent No. 4 for the post
of lecturer in music (vocal) and seeks a direction to the
respondent -Public Service Commission to recommend his name for the post.
Both the petitioner and respondent No 4 were candidates for the post of
applications for which were invited by the J&K. Public Service Commission
(the Commission, hereafter for short) pursuant to notification No. 12 -PSC
of 1992 dated 28.4.1992. It transpires that in all 8 candidates appeared
for the interview of which respondent No. 4 has been recommend for
selection The petitioners case is that he possessed better merit and
suitability for the post and that the recommendation made id favour of
respondent No. 4 is vitiated because the expert, one, Mrs. Bhupinder
Sheet I co -opted by the Commission for interviewing the candidates
happened to be the teacher of respondent No. 4 when she was a student of
M. A. (Music) at the Punjab University and is also presently guiding her
Ph programme It is also alleged that the Commission had allotted 100
marks for the interview out of which 7o were to be awarded by the expert,
who, it is averred, played a key role in the selection and whose opinion
carried "a lot of weight". The submission, in other words, is that being
a teacher of respondent No - 4 the expert was biased in her favour because
of their very relationship and against the petitioner. In the other
ancillary grounds taken, it is submitted that the interview conducted was
as good as farce as the candidates were not given any opportunity to
render any recital and was liable to be struck down because of the total
weight age given to it as against 15% weight age recommended by the
Supreme Court.
(2.)OBJECTIONS have been filed by respondents No. 2, 3 and 4. The respondent -Commission in its objections has submitted that the expert was
not the only person to assess the suitability of the candidates as the
selection committee comprised of two other members of the commission. It
is explained that the role of an expert is of an advisory nature and the
selection is made by all members of the selection committee on the basis
of overall performance, academic merit, experience and other relevant
factors. It is denied that any particular number of marks were allotted
to the expert. It is also asserted that all candidates were provided
opportunity of practical demonstration on the instruments either brought
by them or provided by the Commission. It is further submitted that the
Commission appoints an expert from amongst a panel of experts furnished
by the Universities and the decision to nominate such an expert is taken
independently and at that time it is not known as to whether any
candidate appearing for the interview happens to be or has ever happened
to be the student of such an expert. Respondent No.3 was also nominated
out of a panel of expert, being expert of the Hindustani Vocal music. It
is refuted that the petitioner possessed better merit on any score. On
the contrary respondent No. 4 possessed better merit and suitability both
on the academic side and also considering her performance in the
interview.Respondent No. 3 in her communication to the Deputy Registrar
of this Court, which has been treated as objections on her behalf, has
denied that respondent No. 4 was ever her student in M A. (Music) at
Chandigarh. It is, however, admitted that she is registered as a Ph.D.
student like many other students under her. She submits that she has not
teen guided by any other consideration except merit in evaluating the
performance of the candidates. It is also pleaded that 95% of the
questions asked related to the subject matter of music -both practical and
theory and each candidate was allotted time to perform.
"Respondent No. 4 in her objections has thrown challenge to the maintainability of the writ petition which, according to her, is barred by the doctrine of estoppels and also the policy of the Apex Court discouraging interference in the selection made by expert bodies. It is also pleaded that the petitioner was ineligible to be called for the interview as he had not graduated with music. It is also claimed that she is admittedly superior in merit and has better teaching experience as against the petitioner. It is denied that she was ever the student of respondent No. 3 in M.A. (Music) at Chandigarh which she qualified as a private student, though it is conceded that she has taken up a research project as a private candidate which necessitates her visit to respondent No. 3 "quarterly or half yearly".
(3.)I have heard learned counsel for the parties and considered the record before me.
The main burden of submissions made by Mr. Gupta, learned counsel
for the petitioner was that it is not necessary for the petitioner to
prove that respondent No. 3 was, in fact, biased against him or in favour
of respondent No. 4, It is enough if the relationship between respondents
No. 3 and 4 created a reasonable apprehension that respondent No. 3 would
be biased in favour of respondent No. 4. It is submitted that closeness
of any type was prone to generate bias and it could not be denied that
the teacher -student relationship was as close a relationship as any other
relationship. The degree of closeness in the present case, can be
gathered from the objections filed by the respondent -expert who had
indicated an intimate relationship with respondent No. 4 in the averments
made by her. Mr. Gupta contended that added to this is the factor that
the expert had a pivotal role to play in the selection process in as much
as she was authorized to allot as many as 70 out of 100 marks to a
candidate. According to him, no candidate could be selected without an
okay from the expert and the same was true in the instant case also. He
did not urge other grounds taken in the writ petition and sought support
from Ashok Yadavs case (AIR 1987 SC 454).
Mr. Raina representing the respondent -commission challenged the very maintainability of the petition. He contended that the commission
had only made a recommendation in favour of respondent No. 4 which has
yet to be accepted by the Government rendering the petition premature. He
also submitted that the petition was not liable to be entertained for the
reason that the petitioner had participated in the selection process and
could not be allowed to turn round and challenge the mode or manner of
selection. On merits, he submitted, that a relationship of teacher and
taught was a pious relationship and it cannot be imagined that teacher to
whom all candidates are equally near and dear, would be biased in favour
of one and against the other. He urged that the commission has made
selection on the basis of overall performance of the competing candidates
considering their academic merit and performance In the interview as also
other factors like teaching experience etc. and the mere glance at the
record of respondent No. 4 would show that she admittedly possessed far
superior merit and suitability than the petitioner.
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