(1.)WHAT is the period of limitation prescribed for filling an execution application? and (2) whether a decree passed by a court having no
pecuniary jurisdiction, be held to be nullity which cannot be executed
under Order XXI C.P C., are the two important questions required to be
adjusted in this appeal which have arisen in the following circumstances :
The respondent -decree -holder obtained an exparte decree in arbitration proceedings after the award filed by the arbitrator was made a rule of the Court by the trial court of sub Judge, Udhampur, on 29 -1 -74. While passing the decree in terms of the award, it was held that the judgment debtor would be the owner of vehicle No. JKA/1815 and the plaintiff -decree holder entitled to the receipt of Rs. 5,000 in lump sum alongwith interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum with effect from 12.12,1969 till the whole amount was paid. While filing application for execution of the decree in the executing court, the respondent -decree -holder claimed a sum of Rs. 5,000 in terms of the decree and Rs. 3,100 on account of interest awarded, total being Rs. 8,100/ -. It was contended on behalf of the judgment -debtor that as the decree was passed on 29.1 1974 and the application for execution was filed on 28.4.1980 admittedly after 3 years, same could not be executed and that the application was barred by time. It was further contended that the decree was nullity because the Court passing it had no pecuniary jurisdiction. The decree -holder contended that as the appeal filed against the decree of the trial court remained pending upto 31.8.1977, it cannot be said that the application filed by the decree -holder was barred by time as the period allegedly spent in litigation could not be computed for the purposes of limitation. The objections raised were rejected both by the executing court and the appellate court below vide the orders impugned in this appeal.
(2.)I have heard learned counsel for the parties and perused the record.
(3.)IT is now well settled proposition of law that the executing court is bound by the terms of the decree and cannot go beyond its scope and
determine any objection raised by the judgment -debtor during execution
proceedings. The only exception is that where a decree is found to be
nullity, the executing court is not under a legal obligation to execute
it. Similarly an application filed after the period of limitation for
execution of the decree, may not be executable. It is also acknowledged
that the jurisdiction of a civil court to try a suits is of three kinds,
viz: (i) jurisdiction with reference to the nature of the suit, (ii)
pecuniary jurisdiction, and (iii) territorial jurisdiction. Where the
Court has jurisdiction to try a suit it has the jurisdiction to decide
every question arising in the suit and its decree. Similarly where any
law sets out the jurisdiction of the Court in general terms and does not
particularise the remedies or processes whereby that jurisdiction may be
exercised then the conferment of jurisdiction includes the authority to
issue such direction or process as is necessary to enforce it. However,
where a suit or proceeding is instituted in a court having no
jurisdiction to try it, defect is fatal one and cannot be cured by
subsequent transfer to a court having jurisdiction to try the said cause.
The question of pecuniary jurisdiction of a court cannot be raised on h
ground of erroneous valuation in a subsequent suit challenging the
decision of a court, under Sec. 6 CPC. The pecuniary jurisdiction is
determined which provides that "save in so far as is otherwise expressly
provided, nothing contained in the C. P. C. shall operate to give any
court jurisdiction over suits the amount or value of the subject matter
of which exceeds the pecuniary jurisdiction of its ordinary
jurisdiction". It was held by a Full Bench of the Patna High Court in
Shyam Nandan Sahay and ors. v. Dhanpati Kuer and Ors (AIR 1960 Patna 244)
that, "distinction is required to be drawn between cases where there is
an inherent lack of jurisdiction apparent upon the face of the record and
cases where it is doubtful whether the Court possessed the jurisdiction,
nothing can confer the same on the court and an objection to the
jurisdiction cannot be waived. Where, however, there is no total lack of
jurisdiction, but, on the contrary, the averment made in the plaint
manifestly bring the case within the jurisdiction of the Court in which
it is filed, its proceedings are perfectly within jurisdiction and want
of jurisdiction in such cases can rightly be waived". It was further held:
(8) The lack of pecuniary jurisdiction comes under the latter of
the above kinds of defects, and, therefore, is not fundamental in
character. It can be waived by any of the parties, and, if not challenged
at the proper time, it cannot be questioned subsequently. This is
apparent from S. 11 of the Suits Valuation Act, which runs as follows:
"11 (1) Notwithstanding anything in S. 578 of the Code of Civil
Procedure (XIV of 1882) an objection that by reason of the over valuation
or under valuation of a suit or appeal a court of first instance or lower
appellate court which had not jurisdiction with respect to the suit or
appeal exercised jurisdiction with respect thereof shall not be
entertained by an appellate court unless
(a) the objection was taken in the court of first instance at of
before the hearing at which issues were first framed and recorded, or in
the lower appellate court in the memorandum of appeal to that court, or
b) The appellate court is satisfied, for reasons to be recorded by
it in writing that the suit or appeal was over valued or under valued,
and, that the over valuation or under valuation thereof has prejudicially
affected the disposal of the suit or appeal on its merits.
e) If the objection was taken in the manner mentioned in clause
(a) of sub -sec. (1) but the appellate court is not satisfied as both the
matters mentioned in clause (b) of that sub -section and has before it the
materials necessary for the determination of the other grounds to itself
it shall dispose of the appeal as if there had been no defect of
jurisdiction in the court of first instance or lower appellate Court.
3) If the objection was taken in that manner and the appellate court is satisfied as to both these matters and has not those materials
before it, it shall proceed to deal with the appeal under the rules
applicable to the Court with respect to the hearing of appeals; but if it
remands the suit or appeal or frames and refers issues for trial or
require additional evidence to be taken, it shall direct its order to a
court competent to entertain the suit or appeal
) The provisions of this section with respect to an appellate Court shall, so far as they can be made applicable, apply to a court
exercising revisional jurisdiction under S. 622 or the Code of Civil
Procedure (XIV of 1882,) other enactment for the time being in force.
This section extends to the whole of India except Part B States, and shall come into force on the first day of July, 1887."
The above provisions clearly show that there is not apparent
defect in the frame of a suit due to low valuation and it does not take
away the inherent jurisdiction of the court to entertain it. An objection
in regard to the above matter is of a kind which can be waived by the
parties, if, as the above provision shows, a defendant does not take
objection at the proper time with regard to valuation of the suit and the
pecuniary jurisdiction of the Court, such objection cannot be entertained
by an appellate court; and, even if such objection has been taken at the
proper time, it will be of no avail before the appellate court, unless
the under valuation has prejudicially affected the disposal of the suit
on its merits.