(1.)BY this petition the detention of one Feroz Ahmad Rangrez alias San jay S/O Mohd. Ashraf Rangraz, R/O Hilalabad Qamarwari, Srinagar is being
challanged by his father Mohd. Ashraf.
(2.)PETITION stands admitted to hearing and in response to the notices, respondents appeared through Mr. Kotwal and filed the counter
affidavit which is on the file. The petition came up for hearing and
(3.)HEARD learned counsel for the parties and perused the records.
Mr. Hussain vehemently argued that the detenuee has not been provided with the report of the sponsoring officer, on the basis of which
detention order & grounds of detention have been framed, which was a
necessary document, to enable him to make an effective representation
against his detention as ensured to him under the provisions of
Sub -Article (5) of Article 22 of the Constitution of India as applicable
to the State of Jammu and Kashmir and also the statutory guarantees
enshrined to him under -the statute of land. These arguments have
specifically been projected in the petition while throwing challenge to
the detention order purported to have been passed by District Magistrate,
Srinagar vide No: PSA/DMS/203/92 dated 26 -11 -1992.
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