(1.)The present appeal has been directed against the order dated 20th January, l989 whereby one Pritam Singh deceased was awarded an amount of Rs.99,700/ -+Rs.49,850/ - as penalty alongwith statutory interest on the awarded amount from the date of accident, that is, 27th October, 1983 till the date of deposit. The present respondents were substituted as legal representatives of Pritam Singh, who died during the pendency of the present appeal.
(2.)The brief facts giving rise to the present proceedings are that Sh. Pritam Singh deceased was employed with the appellants on 27th April, 1983 and during such employment, as driver, he received injuries on 27th October, 1983 on account of an accident which took place near Shoghi in District Shimla, due to some mechanical defect. Those injuries, according to the claimant, had caused permanent disability. Sh. Pritam Singh deceased preferred a petition under the provisions of Workmens Compensation Act, for grant of compensation in respect of the no daily injuries he suffered in an accident caused during his employment with the present appellants. This application was contested and after an inquiry the Commissioner awarded the aforesaid amount
(3.)The order of the Commissioner has been assailed in the present appeal on various grounds.
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