Decided on May 14,1997


Cited Judgements :-



M. Srinivasan, C.J. - (1.)THE Tribunal has referred the following question :
"Whether, on the facts and in the circumstances of the case, the Appellate Tribunal was right in law in holding that the deduction under Section 36(1)(viii) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, be allowed at the prescribed percentage of the total income computed before allowing deduction under Chapter VI-A and also before taking into account the deduction allowable under Section 36(1)(viii) itself ?"

(2.)THE assessee claimed deduction under Section 36(1)(viii) of the Income-tax Act, at the prescribed percentage of the total income computed before allowing any deduction under Chapter VI-A and also before considering deduction allowable under Section 36(1)(viii) itself. THE claim of the assessee was, thus, not accepted. That was challenged before the Appellate Assistant Commissioner, who upheld the order of the Assessing Officer. THE matter was taken to the Tribunal. THE Tribunal dealt with the matter as follows :
"THE second ground is that the Commissioner of Income-tax (Appeals) has erred in not computing the deduction allowable under Section 36(1)(viii) of the Act correctly inasmuch as deduction has not been computed without deduction to be allowed under the above provisions. This issue also came up for consideration before the Tribunal in the case of the assessee for the assessment year 1979-80 and vide its order dated September 19, 1984, in ITA No. 726 of 1982, the issue was resolved in favour of the assessee. This was in view of the circular of the Central Board of Direct Taxes giving such benefit to the assessees and also relying on the decision of the Patna High Court in the case of Bihar State Finance Corporation [1983] 142 ITR 518, where it is held that the statutory deduction under Section 36(1)(viii) of the Act was available to a financial corporation fulfilling the requisite conditions before deduction of the amount allowable under Section 36(1)(viii). In view of the above decision of the Tribunal, we are unable to sustain the order of the authorities below. THE same are reversed. THE Assessing Officer is directed to recompute the deduction and allow the same in the light of the directions given by the Tribunal in its order referred to above."

Thus, the Tribunal allowed the contention of the assessee and reversed the order of the Appellate Assistant Commissioner as well as the Income-tax Officer.

No doubt, the Tribunal has referred only to the judgment of the Patna High Court in the case of CIT v. Bihar State Financial Corporation [1983] 142 ITR 518, but there are other judgments also of other High Courts. It is seen that excepting the Karnataka High Court, all other High Courts have taken the same view on this question. In CIT v. M. P. Audyogik Vikas Nigam Ltd. (No. 1) [1989] 178 ITR 177, the Madhya Pradesh High Court has held that it would not be permissible for the assessing authority to find out what would be the total income after making the deduction admissible under Section 36(1)(viii) of the Act and limit the amount of deduction to 40 per cent. of the total income as reduced by the deduction under Section 36(1)(viii) of the Act. Hence, the court held that the deduction permissible under Section 36(1)(viii) had to be calculated on the basis of the total income of the assessee as it stood before the deduction allowable under Section 36(1)(viii) of the Act.

(3.)A similar view is expressed by the Calcutta High Court in CIT v. West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation [1993] 203 ITR 422. The Calcutta High Court has not only referred to the history of the legislation but also referred to judgments of other High Courts including that of the Andhra Pradesh High Court in CIT v. Andhra Pradesh State Financial Corporation [1989] 175 ITR 87. The Calcutta High Court has dissented from the view expressed by the Karnataka High Court in Karnataka State Financial Corporation v. CIT [1988] 174 ITR 206. Ultimately, the Calcutta High Court has taken note of the fact that the view taken by the different High Courts that total income as computed before making deductions under the said clause had then received the statutory recognition by the Amendment Act in 1985 introduced by Section 10 of the Finance Act, 1985,
Hence, we have no hesitation to answer the question referred to us in the affirmative by holding that the Tribunal was right in law in deciding that the deduction under Section 36(1)(viii) of the Income-tax Act be allowed at the prescribed percentage of the total income computed before making deduction under Chapter VI-A and also before taking into account the deduction allowable under Section 36(1)(viii) itself. The reference is answered accordingly.

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