(1.)These two writ petitions have to be allowed on a very short ground that no opportunity was ever given to the petitioners before their scales of pay were reduced.
(2.)The petitioner in C W P. No, 1434 of 1996 was appointed on 27 -12 -1990 as a Constable/Cook. His scale of pay at that time Rs. 825 -1,200, but the respondents passed an order on 13 -5 -1991, which entitled itself as Corrigendum By that order the petitioners scale was directed to be read as Rs 950 -1,400 with effect from 27 -12 -1990, on the date on which he was appointed. It is not in dispute that the petitioner did not make any representation to change the scale of pay, which was originally fixed at Rs 825 -1,200. The Corrigendum was issued by the Authorities voluntarily on their own with effect from the date of appointment of the petitioner. The petitioner was getting his pay according to that scale thereafter.
(3.)By office order dated 4 -10 -1995, the respondents re -fixed the scale of pay of the petitioner at Rs. 825 -1,200 with effect from his initial appointment By another order, the petitioner was directed to refund the amount paid to him in excess under the scale of pay of Rs. 950 -1,400. The aggrieved petitioner has come before this Court.
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