(1.)The above noted appeal and cross objections having arisen out of the award dated 28.8.1987 of the learned Motor Accident Claims Tribunal(II), Una, are being disposed of by this single judgment.
(2.)Briefly stated, the facts of the present case are these. On 22.10.1985, at about 10.10 a.m. at village Khaned about 4 Kms away from Thana Kalan, within the local limits of jurisdiction of Police Station, Bangana, District Una, an accident took place between car No. PAF -3525 and truck No. HPG -4279. Appellant, Prem Chand, hereinafter referred to as the claimant, sustained multiple grievous injuries during the course of such accident. The injuries so sustained included fracture of right femur.
(3.)Respondents 1 to 3, in the appeal, are the driver, owner and insurer, respectively, of the truck HPG -4279. They are being referred to accordingly hereinafter.
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