(1.)IN this petition the petitioner, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) has sought approval for tariff from DOCO to 31.3.2014 in respect of assets under Common Scheme for 765 kV pooling stations and Network for NR, Import by NR from ER and Common scheme for network for WR and Import by WR from ER and from NER/SR/WR via ER in Eastern Region for tariff block 2009 -14 period, based on the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2009, as amended from time to time (hereinafter referred to as "the 2009 regulations"). Further, the petitioner has requested to approve provisional tariff as per 2009 regulations. Instant petition includes 10 assets and provisional tariff for 9 assets was allowed by the Commission, vide order dated 29.3.2012. PGCIL has requested to allow provisional transmission tariff for the remaining one asset, vide its affidavit dated 13.9.2012.
(2.)THE petitioner has made the application as per the Appendix of the 2009 regulations. The petitioner has also complied with the requirements of Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Procedure for making of application for determination of tariff publication of the application and other related matters) Regulations, 2004, such as service of the copy of the application on the beneficiaries, publication of notice and web hosting of the application etc.
In exercise of power under Regulation 5 (4) of the 2009 regulations, we have decided to grant provisional tariff for the remaining one i.e. Asset (iii) 765/400 kV, 1500 MVA ICT -III at Gaya S/S along with associated bays
(3.)THE annual transmission charges claimed by the petitioner for the period 2009 -14 are as under:
(' in lakh)
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