(1.)THE petitioner Northern Regional Load Despatch Centre (NRLDC) has been entrusted with the statutory function to ensure integrated operation of the power system in the Northern Region and to carry out real time operation for grid control and despatch of electricity within the region for secure and economic operation of the Northern Regional grid in accordance with the Grid Standards and the Grid Code. The petitioner had filed the main petition seeking appropriate direction on account continued over -drawl by the constituents of the Northern Region from 1.1.2012 to 25.3.2012. The matter was heard on 3.5.2012 and we had issued notice to the constituents of the Northern Region returnable by 20.5.2012. As the over -drawl from the grid continued unabated, the petitioner filed I.A. No. 25/2012 based on the data of over -drawl from 1.5.2012 to 14.5.2012 and sought appropriate directions to the constituents of the Northern Region to curb over -drawl and to maintain safety and security of the grid. After hearing the petitioner, we had directed the constituents of the Northern Region particularly Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab and Haryana to restrict their over -drawl within schedule to ensure that there was no violation of Regulation 6.4.8, 5.4.2(a) and 5.4.2(b) of the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Indian Electricity Grid Code) Regulations 2010. We had further directed the constituents of the Northern Region to comply with the directions of NRLDC for maintaining the security of the system. The I.A. and the main petition were heard by the Commission on 31.5.2012. After hearing the petitioner and the representatives of the constituents of the Northern Region, we came to the conclusion that some of the constituents of the Northern Region had resorted to over -drawl from the grid when the frequency was 49.5 Hz or below in violation of Regulation 5.4.2 (b) of the Grid Code. We had issued the following directions in our order dated 10.7.2012:
22. Considering the seriousness of the situation, notice is issued to Head of State Load Despatch Centers, State Transmission Utilities and State Electricity Boards/the Distribution licensees in the Northern Region as to why they will not be held personally liable for the penalty for non -compliance with the directions of the Commission and provisions of the Grid Code with regard to maintenance of required grid frequency demand estimate and installation of automatic demand management schemes.
23. The petitioner has sought directions to the respondents for ensuring safety and security of the grid and to obviate any possibility of grid disturbance. We are convinced that urgent actions are called for to maintain the grid at the frequency specified in the Grid Code and to ensure smooth operation of the grid. Accordingly, the following directions are issued for strict compliance by the respondents:
(a) The respondents shall not resort to any overdrawal from the NEW grid when the frequency is below 49.5 Hz. and shall comply with the provisions of Grid Code.
(b) The respondents shall ensure that the directions of NRLDC issued under section 29 of the Act are faithfully complied with and compliance of these directions are reported to NRLDC immediately.
(c) The respondents shall ensure that the Under Frequency Relays (UFR) are kept in service at all times and the feeders used for load shedding through UFRs are different from the feeders used for manual load shedding so that the security of the grid is not compromised.
(d) The respondents shall submit the status of compliance of Regulations 5.4.2(d) and 6.4.8 as well as Commission's directions contained in order dated 15.12.2009.
24. We direct that it shall be the personal responsibility of the officers in overall charge of the State Transmission Utilities/ State Load Dispatch Centres to ensure compliance of the directions in Para 22 and 23 above and non -compliance of the above directions in any form will be viewed seriously and appropriate actions under provisions of the Act shall be taken.
25. The matter will be listed for hearing on 14.8.2012.
(2.)THE petitioner has filed two Interlocutory Applications, namely I.A. No. 35/2012 and I.A. No. 38/2012, bringing to the notice of the Commission the status of over -drawl by the constituents of the Northern Region for the period from 1.6.2012 to 30.6.2012 and from 10.7.2012 and 16.7.2012 respectively. The petitioner has sought urgent directions to the constituents of Northern Region to desist from the over -drawl from the grid and to comply with the directions of the Commission issued vide order dated 10.7.2012 to ensure the safety and security of the NEW grid. I.A. No. 35/2012 was listed for hearing on 26.7.2012. During the course of the hearing the representative of the petitioner mentioned about the I.A. No. 38/2012. Considering the urgency of the matter, both the IAs were taken up during the hearing.
The petitioner in I.A. No. 35/2012 has placed on record the frequency profile of the NEW grid from 1.6.2012 to 30.6.2012. The petitioner has explained that frequency on certain days remained below 49.5 Hz for 70% of the time in the day. On several days the instantaneous frequency went below 48.8 Hz which is the 1st stage of the safety net in terms of under frequency relay setting. The petitioner has further submitted that from the over -drawl data it could be observed that some of the State Control areas are over -drawing from the grid even if the frequency is below 49.5 Hz. In compliance with Section 29 of the Electricity Act, 2003 the petitioner has issued the A, B and C messages to the defaulting State Control areas from 1.6.2012 to 30.6.2012 as per the following details:
(3.)IN I.A. No. 38/2012, the petitioner has submitted that despite the direction of the Commission in order dated 10.7.2012 the over -drawl from the grid is still continuing and the order of the Commission and the directions of the NRLDC are not being complied with by some of the constituents of the Northern Region. The petitioner has submitted the status of over -drawl/under -drawl by the constituents of the Northern Region from 10.7.2012 to 16.7.2012 as under:
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