(1.)The unsuccessful plaintiff in O.S.No.576 of 2000 on the file of the XII
Additional Chief Judge (Fast Track Court), City Civil Court, Hyderabad,
preferred this appeal against the impugned decree and judgment dated 11.11.2002.
(2.)The appellant was the plaintiff and the respondents were the defendants in
the suit and hereinafter referred to as "the appellant" and "the respondents",
for the sake of convenience.
(3.)The appellant filed suit against the respondents for the following
"(a) for recovery of a sum of Rs.14,00,000/- with interest @ 12% per annum from
the date of the suit till the date of realization by way of damages on account
of humiliation, harassment and insult by D4, who acted as Manager of D3 and
inaction, illegal and unconstitutional decision of D1 and D2;
(b) for recovery of Rs.23,000/- with interest @ 12% per annum from the date of
suit till the date of realisation towards salary arrears on account of Pay
Revision as Award Staff from 1.11.1997 to 2.5.1999 and as Officer from 3.5.1999
to 27.4.2000;
(c) for recovery of Rs.16,720/- with interest @ 12% per annum from the date of
the suit till the date of realisation being salary for 31 days of Privilege
Leave after deducting the amount already paid to his Privilege Leave Account;
(d) for recovery of a sum of Rs.40,451/- with interest @ 12% per annum from the
date of the suit till the date of realisation as salary for 75 days from
1.11.1999 to 15.11.1999 and from 25.11.1999 to 27.4.2000 by treating it as Sick
(e) to direct D1 and D3 for re-fixing his pension taking into account the
correct figures of salary, pursuant to the revision of pay scales from 1.11.1997
with interest thereon @ 12% per annum from the date of the suit till the date of
(f) for recovery of Rs.28,990/- with interest @ 12% per annum from the date of
the suit till the date of realisation being the differential amount of gratuity
due and payable after recalculating the gratuity amount taking into account the
correct figures of salary after revision of pay scales; and
(g) for costs of the suit."
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