(1.)The petitioner seeks the issue of a writ of mandamus in enforcement
of a right claimed by him of inspecting certain records of the respondent,
the Board of Trustees for the Improvement of the City of Bangalore,
hereinafter referred to as the Board.
(2.)The factual basis for the claim is that he had applied for allotment
of certain sites in a lay-out of building, sites prepared by the Board,
going by the name " Raj Mahal Vilas Extension", that according to his
understanding of the rules governing the allotment of sites, he was entitiled
to a certain preference because he had made certain provious
attempts for allotment or sites in other lay-outs prepared by the Board
but that no site was allotted to him and that he suspects or has reason to
believe that the persons were not persons to whom, if the rules had been
fully obeyed, sites could have been or would have been allotted. He
"I have every right to get an inspection of the records perfecting
to the allotment of sites in question. Such an inspection is absolutely
necessary in the interests of the purity of the administration."
He also adds that such inspection is directly related to his right or interest
in respect of the preposed allotment of sites.
(3.)It is common ground that in his application for allotment of a
site, the petiitoncr had indicated his preference in respect of three sites
in a certain order. It is also common ground that none of these sites was
allotted to him nor any other site.
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